"It's the energy and twisting of his forms that inspires me. I think there's a sense of movement in the sculptor's strength that can be captured. And instead of rendering it in two dimensions, dance can do it in three."

C'est bien l'energie de ses formes, les torsions qui m'inspirent. Je pense qu'il y a un sens du mouvement dans la force du sculpteur, que l'on peut capturer. Et au lieu de le rendre en deux dimensions, la danse le peut en trois.

Russell Maliphant Choreographer

Tuesday 31 January 2012


Hi, My name is Heather, sorry i have not blogged sooner. would just like to say that i really enjoyed the introductory workshop and am very much looking forward to the next one on sunday. My mind has been busy thinking of ideas for the project and cannot wait to begin creating some work for the installation, a lot of idea's have been flying around and it will be really good to get something in motion.
through research and exploration I think that this project is going to be a really valuable experience.

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